D.C. Ross

Name: Desmond Cecil Ross M.C.

Rank: Capt

Service Number: 146704

Nationality: British

Parent Unit: RHA

More info: Awarded the Military Cross (M.C.) in the Adriatic 1944.
Action on BRAC 1st to 4th June 144. Capt ROSS is cited for his outstanding leadership, dash and courage during the above operation. He did a superb job in directing the fire of his 75mm Troop from a forward O.P. for three consecutive days. His daring and accurate fire in the support of the 1st Dalmation Assault Brigade and the 3rd Partisan Brigade, made it possible for them to attack and capture Sv Toma and Sv NIKOLA which they could not have done but for him. Throughout the entire operation his O.P. was under constant Shell Fire but he refused to change it as it would have meant a considerable period of time when the guns would not be able to fire. His outstanding bravery, dash and leadership was an inspiration to all, his own men, the USSOG personnel and the Partisans. Despite the fact that he had practically no sleep throughout the entire operation, his fire directing was superb and it is estimated that casualties inflicted by his guns amounted to over 300 of the enemy. Within 12 hours of his return he was planning a further operation. His courage and leadership is of the highest order.